
Using Data Science And Fundamental Analysis To Derive Entry And Exit Stock Price

We Provide Trading Signals

    - WHAT ARE WE? We provide buy and sell signals for large cap and dividend yielding stocks trading on the U.S Exchange

    - HOW TO USE? Simply buy or sell according to the trading signals provided on weekly basis

    - WHY NLESSTRENDS? Using our signals and trading strategy, you can potentially make annual return of 40% to 80%

Portfolio Performance

    - Simulated a stock portfolio using Nlesstrends' weekly stock selection

    - Using a total of $1,000 US dollars, we have cummulated $4,188 in profit; a 42% return as of September 2019

    - Our portfolio is outperforming the S&P 500 index by 23%

Plan Pricing

$15 USD / month

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